Monday, August 22, 2011

Sir Ken Robinson speech like a Prezi scribbled onto a whiteboard

My partner came across this YouTube video and said I might be interested in checking it out because it has "something to do with education." Little did I know it was a speech by Sir Ken Robinson, whom I had only just learned about after watching a keynote speech by Tom Krieglstein on Leveraging Social Media to Increase & Quantity Student Engagement, which was just posted online 5 days ago.


Let me just take a step back and admire how quickly influential events fall into place when you go out looking for them. So back to this YouTube video. It's my first Sir Ken Robinson experience, and it was definitely an eye-opening I-love-this-stuff ah-ha moment for me, so I just had to share...

The animation itself is breathtaking, like a Prezi scribbled onto a whiteboard. Amazing! It's made by RSA Animate, and their other videos are equally fascinating to watch.