Thursday, October 20, 2011

College students love trophies

euchre trophy

I think the subject line on this post is pretty self-explanatory, but let me explain: College students especially love trophies.

Trophies are an exceptional prize for events with college students (thesis topic, anyone?) because college students are nostalgic, appreciate recognition, and proudly display tacky momentos in their living quarters.

I think college students are especially nostalgic because they are going through a transition and can't help but reminisce about the "good ol' days" before all this responsibility. A video that circulated through 4 of my Facebook friends' walls provides more evidence for my contention that college students (and young professionals) are very nostalgic. 

College students appreciate recognition (who doesn't?) and like to receive credit for their actions. A trophy is a symbolic pat on the back that lasts for as long as they own the trophy.

Finally, college students proudly display tacky momentos in their residence halls and apartments. College students also have a lot of shelf space but not a lot of shelf-worthy items. This results in proud collections of weird tacky objects (the perfect nesting grounds for a trophy).

dorm shelf

Last night, we had a National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week euchre tournament with 9 teams. We got a lot of comments about the trophies, suggesting that they are "legit" and "totally official looking." I had to agree that the trophies look "totally official" because they are, in fact, totally real trophies from a trophy store (

In conclusion, trophies make better prizes than $5 gift cards to Starbucks.

[Photo courtesy of Sorcyress. Licensed under CC BY- NC 2.0.]